Ollantaytambo Train Station
General information
Av. Ferrocarril s/n, Ollantaytambo, Valle Sagrado, Cusco
Phone Number:
All year
Opening hours:
From 06:00 horas to 19:45
Altitude: 2,792 masl
Min temp: 0/5 ºC
Max temp: 22/23 ºC
How to get to Machu Picchu from Ollantaytambo
When you accept our Privacy Policy, you give your consent for the personal data you provide to Inca Rail S.A. (hereinafter "Inca Rail") to be processed and incorporated into the corresponding databases that the company holds as owner and responsible party, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 29733 "Personal Data Protection Law" and its Regulations.
Purchase your train tickets through our website at incarail.com or also at our ticket counters.
At the Ollantaytambo train station, you will board the train you chose to travel on, approximately a 1.5-hour journey to the Machu Picchu Pueblo train station.
There, you will need to take the Consettur bus that will take you to the Citadel (approximately 30 minutes away).
Enjoy the Citadel!